I will be presenting and signing books in ALA Orlando Conference #alaac16. This is my schedule.

Learning Times Two - REFORMA President's Program
Saturday, June
11:00 AM -
12:30 PM
HYATT Regency
Orlando, Room Manatee Springs I
Every day the
demand for children’s bilingual (English/Spanish) books grows as more children
in the United States learn Spanish as their first or second language. Books
written and illustrated by Latinos/as are important for all children, but also
essential to Latino families and the schools and libraries serving them.
How do
bilingual books strengthen families, foster empathy, and improve school
performance? What are the current barriers to more wide spread publication and
award-winning authors Monica Brown, René Colato Laínez, Christina Diaz
Gonzalez, Angela Dominguez, and Meg Medina as they discuss the importance of
creating and promoting Latino bilingual books for children and youth.
Meet the
Authors: René Colato Laínez
(Children's Book Press an imprint of Lee & Low Books Inc.)
(Children's Book Press an imprint of Lee & Low Books Inc.)
Saturday, June
1:00 PM - 1:45
Booth 1469
Mamá the
Alien/ Mamá la extraterrestre
This cheerful
and timely bilingual picture book explores the path to American citizenship and
what it means to be a "resident alien."
Meet the
Authors: René Colato Laínez (Holiday House, Inc.)
Saturday, June
3:30 PM - 4:30
Booth 2019
Let's Go! : An adaptation of "The Wheels on the Bus" in English and
You may know
that the wheels on the bus go round and round, but did you know that las ruedas
del bus ruedan y ruedan? Or that while the horn on the truck goes honk, honk,
honk, la bocina del camión goes tut tuu tuu?
Young readers
are in for a cheerful and cacophonous ride in this bilingual picture book that
introduces them to the sounds of motorcycles, fire trucks and more in both
English and Spanish. But the best sounds of all are the ones from the children
as they reach the state park at the end of their trip.
Meet the
Authors: René Colato Laínez (Arte
Público Press)
Sunday, June
11:00 AM -
12:00 PM
Booth 1474
Arte Público
Press and its imprint for children and young adults, Piñata Books, will display
books—in English, Spanish, and bilingual formats—by U.S. Hispanic authors.
Books by René
Colato Laínez: Waiting for Papá/ Esperando a Papá, I Am René, the Boy/ Soy
René, el niño and René Has Two Last Names/ René tiene dos apellidos
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